La compagnie Winter Story In The Wild Jungle est un cadavre exquis sous la direction artistique de Sarah Trouche. La compagnie organise un festival annuel, "Festival Perform" autour de l’art contemporain, les arts numériques et la performance sous toutes ses formes. L’association participe à la visibilité des artistes contemporains en valorisant la ruralité, avec les acteurs locaux et associatifs autour de créations pluridisciplinaires et de programmes d’actions territoriales artistiques.
Winter Story In The Wild Jungle is a collaborative project under the artistic direction of Sarah Trouche. The company organizes “Festival Perform,” an annual celebration of contemporary, digital, and performance art that hosts multidisciplinary artists for a creative residency, and offers them a forum to present their work. By gathering these artists, and with the support of local partners and volunteers, the company aims to promote the countryside and its community